Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pushing Through the Puddle - Getting Over the Fears that Hold Us Back

Me and my eldest Daughter Hulking Out
My eldest daughter is brilliant, I mean gifted intellectually in ways I could never imagine.   However, when she was little, she had an irrational fear of riding her bike through puddles.  When confronted with a small stagnate body of water, she would either stop right in front of it or go completely around it.  Going through the water was never an option she would consider.

I encouraged her to go through the puddle.  A little water splashed on her would not hurt and it certainly was not a dangerous activity.  In her mind, there was no reason to even think about going through the puddle, when she could avoid it.  Let's just say that my daughter was risk adverse.

After several attempts at encouraging her to relinquish this fear, being the patient, loving, and kind father that I am, I made an executive decision to push her through.  I remember it vividly, and I am sure she does too.  Her on her bike, complete with training wheels.  The puddle looming ominously directly in her path.  Her brakes failing because I was next to her, pushing her through.  The involuntary scream, loud and shrill.  

She was shaken but she survived.  

My daughter learned a valuable lesson that day, mainly that you can safely ride through a puddle, but more importantly that a fear of the unknown does not have to cripple our progress.  It became a common saying in our home that, "You just need to push through the puddle.", representing the need to conquer irrational fear or anxiety.  

Recently, I was reminded of this, when I decided to pursue my Project Management Professional (PMP) credential.

On the first day of the PMP Boot Camp the instructor asked us to share who we are, what we do, and... when we intend to take the test.  I had not scheduled it, and I was not even sure I wanted to.  Fear was holding me back.  I wanted the PMP designation, and I did not want to be disgraced by failure.  I confessed this to the class, and received a great deal of encouragement to proceed with the application process.

Then I was reminded that sometimes "You just have to push through the puddle."  

God reminds us that this type of fear is unnecessary, and this led me to ask my family and Facebook friends to pray for me as I studied.  During the 4 hour test, I prayed continually.  

While I owe some of my success to PMStudy.com, I also give glory to God, because I know that "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." - James 1:17

Remember my friends, perfect love casts out all fear.  Sometimes, you just have to push through the puddle, and when you do, there is a patient, loving, and kind Father that is there to cheer you on!

Have you faced irrational fears?  When was the last time you had to push through the puddle?

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