Monday, July 15, 2013

My Most EmbarASSing Moment

Our Duplex was on the Left
It was the middle of the day and we were home together.  This was back in the late 80's.  We were young, so we got up late.  I headed into the shower at about 2:00 PM.  

We lived in half of a 1,600 sq. foot duplex off of Marcia Street.  Two tiny bedrooms, a tiny living room, an eat-in kitchen, and one bathroom all to ourselves.  It was cozy and just happened to be situated right next to another unit that was very similar.  Our living room windows faced our neighbors' living room windows which made it very easy for us to keep an eye on each other.

I no sooner stepped out of the shower when my wife said, "It's raining and the trash can is blowing away.  Can you go get it?  I don't want to get wet.  You're already wet.  Hurry!  It's blowing away." 

I thought twice about it.  She insisted.  It was raining REALLY hard and the trash can WAS important.  

I put a towel around my naked body and headed outside.  The wind was whipping up, and the rain was torrential.  The trash can was situated just outside my neighbors' window.  They were usually home at this time and I could see them milling about inside their living room.

Moon over Marcia Street
The can blew toward our living room window, due to a large gust of wind.  I bent down to pick it up just as another gust of wind took my towel off of my naked body.  There it was, bottoms up, my butt in all it's glory sticking straight up at my neighbors' living room window.  Moon over Marcia Street!

I panicked.  I mean what would you do?  I reached for the towel and held it in front of me along with the trash can.  Not that I would let go of the trash can.  Would you?  It was the whole reason I went out there.  

I ran for the door and to my surprise not only was it closed, but it was locked.

My wife has an incredible sense of humor.  To this day she makes me laugh like no one else.  On this particular day she took it upon herself to play a little practical joke.  She was not witness to my towel taking flight.  She sat behind the door giggling as I pounded on it.

"Who is it?" She answered in a wee little sing song voice.

"LET ME IN!" I responded.

"One moment, please." As she giggled some more.

At the time, I did not find this situation in the least bit funny.  I was wet, half naked, and embarrassed beyond belief.

She was laughing pretty hard when she finally let me in, but she immediately recognized my lack of amusement as well as my naked butt.  I explained what had happened, and soon we were laughing about the incident together.  She apologized for making things worse and of course, she didn't mean for things to go the way they had.

I look back on that day every time I start to take myself too seriously.  In the end (quite literally), my next door neighbor probably got a good laugh out of it.  I'm sure if they saw what happened, there might be another blog post about it somewhere out there from a different perspective.  

From a relationship perspective, this story makes me greatly appreciate my wife.  She has a knack for this sort of thing.  She understands how to take the tension out of a moment and turn it into something fun and positive.  It's just one of the many reasons I remain head over heels in love with her.

Have you had an embarrassing moment?  What happened to you?  Were you bent over with your bottom sticking out in the wind?  Use the comments section to tell your story!

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