Thursday, June 4, 2015

Top Benefits of My fitbit

To my delight my lovely wife presented me with a fitbit Flex for my birthday last year. Immediately I charged the device and began to explore the many features that it has to offer. First and foremost I wondered if I would receive the value from it that I thought it had to offer. Having worn the fitbit for several months now, I can confidently say that I have benefited greatly from the tracking and metrics it provides.

More Steps Equals More Calories Burned

Truth be told, I like to eat. When I have a day of 20,000 steps, I have no guilt when I sit down to eat a small bowl of "Chunky Monkey" ice cream. By monitoring my steps with my fitbit, I know exactly where I stand with regards to my acceptable intake level of food. This allows me to adjust my intake based on my monitored activity as opposed to my perceived activity. The fitbit doesn't lie. On a less than 10,000 step day, I am a lot less likely to gravitate towards the densely caloric foods. My fitbit has helped me to stay at a weight that I am very comfortable with.

Tracking Exercise Encourages More Activity

Everytime I exercise I log it in my fitbit. By doing this, I have a long-term view of my exercise habits. I also get to add more calories to my day which means I can eat more. Each time I track something I am motivated to maintain my healthy lifestyle. Since I started doing this I realized that by holding myself accountable for my activity, I am more likely to attain my fitness goals.

Challenges Create Healthy Competition

The fitbit app has a variety of Challenges that promote healthy competition with your fitbit friends. At first I thought this was really stupid, but having competed several times with friends, I can honestly say they are a lot of fun. Every time I have competed in a fitbit Challenge, I have pushed myself. That is a good thing and should be something every healthy person integrates into their routine.

What Gets Measured Gets Done

I know you have heard this before, but it really rings true. The fitbit has motivated me to meet my goal of 10,000 steps on a regular basis. That was not the case before I had a fitbit. In and of itself that is a victory. I am more active as a result of measuring myself with the fitbit.

Steps Become Awards

Badges are awarded to a fitbit wearer as a way to celebrate your success. I achieved my 20,000 Steps in a Day badge, my immediate response was, "What's next?" I never thought I would want a "stinking badge", but these little things have a way of motivating me and maybe even you.

Sleep Tracking Enables Faster Recovery

I know I need at least seven hours of sleep. The fitbit sleep tracking feature keeps me in tune with my body. I do not have to wonder why I feel like a train hit me on any given morning. I can look at my sleep log and know that five hours is just not cutting it. This encourages me to sleep more. In turn I recover faster from my workouts.

fitbit Fashion is Fun

I am that guy that has a fitbit band in every color of clothing that I own. I do very little in the way of accessories. My wedding band is the only jewelry I wear. For me a belt is optional. When I have a chance to coordinate my fitbit with my outfit though, I definitely take it. It's fun and easy to switch out my bands which were really inexpensive on Amazon.

Sales Pitch

There it is. The fitbit has motivated me to walk my dog more often, park my car farther away, and enjoy being outdoors more often. If you are considering a wearable fitness tracker, I would highly recommend the fitbit flex.

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